Lehigh Acres SDA Church

Open Hearts, Open Arms, Open Hands

Daily Devotion


“But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you.’”

Jeremiah‬ ‭7:23‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

You need and I need that the spiritual vision shall be cleared and intensified to behold the scheme of redemption as we have never viewed it before. We want that our hearts should feel the mighty throbs of a Saviour’s love. In searching the Scriptures, in feeding upon the words of life, O consider it is the voice of God to the soul. We may be confused sometimes over the voice of our friends; but in the Bible we have the counsel of God upon all important subjects which concern our eternal interests, and in temporal matters we may learn a great deal. Its teaching will be always suited to our peculiar circumstances and calculated to prepare us to endure trial and fit us for our God-given work. – {ML 283.2}

My life Today Devotional

Appropriate Attire

Tuesday, May 21, 2024
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Temperate in All Things

She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet [double garments, margin]. Proverbs 31:21 -- {ML 145.1}

Our clothing, while modest and simple, should be of good quality, of becoming colors, and suited for service. It should be chosen for durability rather than display. It should provide warmth and proper protection. The wise woman described in the Proverbs "is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with double garments." -- {ML 145.2}

Our dress should be cleanly. Uncleanliness in dress is unhealthful, and thus defiling to the body and to the soul.... -- {ML 145.3}

In all respects the dress should be healthful. "Above all things" God desires us to be "in health"--health of body and of soul. And we are to be workers together with Him for the health of both soul and body. Both are promoted by healthful dress. -- {ML 145.4}

It should have the grace, the beauty, the appropriateness of natural simplicity. Christ has warned us against the pride of life, but not against its grace and natural beauty. He pointed to the flowers of the field, to the lily unfolding in its purity, and said, "Even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Thus by the things of nature Christ illustrates the beauty that Heaven values, the modest grace, the simplicity, the purity, the appropriateness, that would make our attire pleasing to Him. -- {ML 145.5}

Perfect health depends upon perfect circulation. Special attention should be given to the extremities, that they may be as thoroughly clothed as the chest and region over the heart. -- {ML 145.6}

* * * * *

Let our sisters dress plainly, as many do, having the dress of good material, durable, modest, appropriate for this age, and let not the dress question fill the mind. -- {ML 145.7}

From My Life Today page 145.

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